Have you ever wondered just how well your site ranks for your primary keyword phrases? It’s a real pain in the you know what to go do a manual search for each phrase just to see where you rank. And when you do find out where you rank, how do you know why?
Well, have a Comprehensive Website Marketing Analysis done, of course!
Here’s how it works. We’ll do an in depth analysis of your web site and provide you with a detailed report that you can use to improve your online marketing efforts.
The first thing we look at is the code of your web site. Are you using “clean code” as they say?
Then we’ll look at the content of the site. Does it convey the message you are trying to get across to your target market? Is there a strong call to action?
Then we look at the navigation. Is it easy to understand? Is it the same across the whole web site or does it change from page to page?
After that we will look at your incoming links to see just how many other sites are linking to yours. And much more!
The report you receive will be detailed enough that you can take the necessary steps yourself to make improvements or you can hire your own SEO professional to make the changes for you.
If you hire us to optimize your site, every penny you spend for the Comprehensive Website Marketing Analysis will be applied to the setup fee.
You have absolutely nothing to lose and everything to gain by understanding how your site can rank better in the search engines.
The cost for the Comprehensive Website Marketing Analysis is $295. Once you have completed the payment process we will contact you within 24 hours to schedule a 30 minute call so we can get all the information we need to complete your report.
Call us at 512-651-2963 if you’re in the Austin area or toll-free at 1-877-334-8022.