Our 9 Step Search Engine Optimization Process
Step 1 – We will conduct an initial call with you to discuss your industry, the keywords and keyword phrases you want to concentrate on and the pages you would like to be optimized.
Step 2 – We will do a Comprehensive Website Marketing Analysis on your site so that we know exactly where your site stands prior to doing the optimization. This will give us a baseline report to show just how successful your optimization really is.
Step 3 – We will conduct extensive keyword research and do a study of your primary competition and develop a keyword list to focus the campaign around.
Step 4 – We will have a second call with you to discuss and revise the keyword list. At this point we will need to get the ftp user id and password for access to your web server.
Step 5 – The chosen keywords are entered into our tracking software and an initial report is run to show where you rank for each keyword phrase in the top three major search engines; Google, Yahoo!, and MSN.
Step 6 – At this point each page is optimized and a sitemap is created and added to the site.
Step 7 – We will submit your sitemap to each of the search engines listed above.
Step 8 – We will notify you that your optimization is complete and provide you with your initial rank report.
Step 9 – Every month we will monitor the pages we have optimized to make sure they stay compliant with current search engine criteria. We will make tweaks as needed and resubmit the pages if necessary.
Step 9.5 – New keyword ranking reports are run every 30 days to show your improvement in ranking.
In addition to the steps outlined above, we will help you submit your blog or RSS feeds to the major blog directories, consult with you regularly about building incoming links to your web site, and suggest other “off-page” seo tactics, which will all help to improve your ranking in the search engines.
If you don’t have a way to track your traffic stats, we will also help you get a Google Analytics account set up and include the analytics script on each page of your site.
Related Pages:
What is SEO?
Search Engine Optimization FAQ
Search Engine Optimization Plans