Watching one of my favorite movies this weekend, Hoosiers, with Gene Hackman, I was reminded that the same thing that applies to basketball, practicing the fundamentals like dribbling, passing and shooting free-throws, also applies to SEO.
In SEO, the fundamentals are just a little bit different. When optimizing your web site there are essentially four main ranking factors, 1) the coding of your site, 2) the on-page content, including the meta tags, 3) your link popularity, or how many other, related sites are linking to yours, and 4) your traffic.
All of these factors play a role in how well your site ranks overall, although some will have a greater impact on your rankings. Also, some of these you have a great deal of control over and others you don’t.
Throughout this week I’m going to dig a little deeper into each one of these factors. I hope you will follow along.
To your success,
Ken Partain